Doan Van Toi

(b.1989, Hai Phong)



Đoàn Văn Tới is currently based in Hanoi. He holds a BA in Fine Arts at the Vietnam University of Fine Arts. Đoàn Văn Tới practices mainly with the language of painting, using various materials ranging from silk, oil painting, to mixed media. He is interested in landscapes, especially the image of large rice fields and the way in which collectives memories and personal memories intermingle in the landscape. He reveals the unseen by personal techniques and treatments of color palette as well as mixing different materials. He has participated in many regional and international exhibitions.

Đoàn Văn Tới - Đông.jpg
Đoàn Văn Tới - Xuân.jpg



Le Paravent: Winter, 2020

60 x 120 cm, Watercolor on silk


Le Paravent: Spring, 2020

60 x 120 cm, Watercolor on silk