“Art washes away the dust of everyday life”

(Pablo Picasso)


About Mo Art

Founded upon the mission to widely promote the Vietnamese artistic and cultural scene, Mo Art Space seeks to bridge the gap between the art world and the audience. As a fresh and innovative art space located in the old quarter of Hanoi, Mo Art Space hopes to introduce the best selection of artworks to our audience. We support this goal by conducting highly curated exhibitions featuring artworks of various mediums and themes, juxtaposing the past and present, tradition and future, heritage and modernism. Mo Art is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary Vietnamese artists, accentuating their works, ideas, and philosophy to art collectors, local and international alike.

A promising art scene

Vietnamese art heritage – with its long and rich history of diverse genres and materials – is the source from which many contemporary artists take inspiration to produce astounding pieces. Their work not only inherits traditional values, but at times challenges the status quo and suggests fresh ways of seeing and perceiving. With such great potential and creativity, Vietnamese contemporary art has gradually earned its place in the international art market. However, limitations in terms of art education and facilities are prone to be a major hindrance in making art accessible to a wider public. Mo Art was established in such a context, with the hope to bridge the gap between artists and audience, and further support the development of the art community in Vietnam.


Through organising exhibitions alongside community programs, we seek to enrich viewers’ understanding of artists and artwork, as well as cultivating love for the Art amid the local public. Our dedication is to discover young talents, helping to promote their work and artistic philosophies to the art enthusiasts, domestic and international alike. As the saying goes “Art washes away the dust of everyday life"; our dream is for Mo Art to reach beyond the scope of an exhibition space, to become a hub for art-loving souls – where visitors can immerse themselves in a world of artwork that satisfies both their eyes and spirit.