Ton That Minh Nhat

(b.1982, Hue)



Ton That Minh Nhat (b.1982) is a painter-sculptor born in Hue. He graduated from Hue College of Fine Arts, and has participated in numerous local exhibitions since 2004. His practice on various mediums - such as wood, lacquer, or painting - questions the position of the individual in space in the broadest sense of the term: he is not only concerned with the relationship of man to his environment but also with temporality and society that surrounds him. Ton That Minh Nhat’s work, "The Wall" in particular, examines the perception of the individual in his space, conditioned by the social norms inherent to his position. Thus, this wall of identical faces sculpted in bas-relief in lacquer and acrylic-on-canvas symbolizes these norms that sometimes hinder the possibilities of the individual to apprehend other worlds outside his condition. Ton That Minh Nhat experimented with different materials for paintings that are durable through different times and environments.



Light and Moon, 2021

Lacquer, copper on wood

120 x 180 cm