Frederic Dialynas Sanchez

(b.1983, Ho Chi Minh city)



Frederic Dialynas Sanchez lives and works in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Born in 1983 in Auxerre, France, Frédéric Dialynas Sanchez is both a painter and a sculptor, based in Saigon. He completed his graduate studies at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon and École Offshore (Shanghai), focusing on the phenomena of nomadism and globalization. Working in Asia and Europe, he develops research around geometric abstraction, memory, and cultural hybridity.

Sanchez has participated in numerous exhibitions over the past decade including shows at institutions such as Kunsthalle, Mainz, Germany; Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dijon, France; Musée Magnelli-Picasso, France; CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, France; FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon, France; Le Commun, BAC, Gene va, Switzerland; Villa Medici, Rome, Italy; and China Academy of Arts, Hongzhou, China.

Dialynas Sanchez has also participated in panel discussions and initiated workshops and curatorial projects at Rocky Shore, Tokyo, Japan; Topaz, Woodside, NY, USA; PS Projects, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; OÙ, Marseille, France; Triple V, Paris, France; FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon, France; Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, NY, USA; Pitzer College’s Nichols Gallery, Claremont, CA, USA; Bazaar Compatible Program, Shanghai, China; Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris, France; Museum of Fine Arts, Dijon, France; Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain; ENSAPC Paris-Cergy, France; ENSAPM Paris-Malaquais, France; The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden; Le Commun, Geneva, Switzerland; Asia Art Archive, New York, NY, USA and Hong Kong.

Dialynas Sanchez has also participated in Olivier Mosset’s exhibitions at Le Magasin, Grenoble, France; Museum of Fine Arts of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland and at MOCA Tucson, AZ, USA. His artworks are in public and private collections including Musée Magnelli-Picasso, Vallauris, FNAC Paris, FRAC Limousin and Le Consortium, Dijon, France.
