Duy Hoa




Duy Hoa started his en plein air practice in 2007 with coal and watercolor drawings. In 2010, the artist joined the en plein air artist collective Mobile with founder Liên Trịnh and fellow painters Đặng Hiệp, Duy Tùng, and Lê Thuý, at the same time commencing his endeavors with oil paints. Duy Hoà is among the few millennial Vietnamese artists who have managed to define and stay true to their own artistic lexicon since the start of their career. His landscapes and still-lifes are an interplay of figuration and abstraction, with an intimate, distinctive vocabulary of compositions, forms, colors, and symbols. In recent years, his subject matters are almost exclusively the quietly charged life of his hometown Dan Phuong, the northwestern agricultural suburb of Hanoi. Duy Hoa’s works have been with private collectors in Vietnam, Singapore, Norway, and Canada.

Duy Hoà - Thời gian.jpg


Time, 2020

145 x 95 cm, Oil on canvas